I just had a most obnoxious email exchange on Facebook. Some creep named Steve Edward from Canada sent me a message that went from complimentary to disgusting. Apparently he didn’t bother to actually READ my profile as it’s clearly noted that I’m married. However, when I tried to give him a gentle hint, he was still clueless. So when I became more direct and blunt he turned into every woman’s “dream guy”.

Here’s what happened:

Steve Edward 1/26, 8:22pm: Wow what a very pretty lady cheers

(Because Steve Edward is not my friend, his email fell into the “other” inbox on Facebook. Despite my regular presence on FB, I did not find this email until today.)

Me 1/28, 2:39pm: Thank you. My husband agrees!

Steve Edward 1/28, 4:23pm: thanks for the message and thats funny lol, well i am steve from Canada i am single and saw your profile and got attracted to it so do you mind telling me more about your self till then hugs and kisses

Me 1/28, 4:32pm: Steve… or spambot, whichever. Did you miss the part where I mentioned I’m married? Newly married at that.

I’m deeply unfond of cluelessness. So here’s a freebie. Don’t contact me ever again or I shall report you.

Steve Edward 1/28, 4:37pm: if you are married dont contact me , you should just ignore me simple as A B C, thats how a married woman should at ,for your info ,you must be silly alling me a spam bot soon your so called husband will fuck your dirty ass up fool and go to hell

LMAO! What the f#@% is wrong with some people?

I called Chris shortly after this exchange as we had yet to settle our plans for our Date Night dinner tonight. He laughs every time one of these type of whackadoodle emails occur. He doesn’t understand why some people are so broken. To be fair, I don’t always understand either.

I love how Steve gets so indignant in the last message, you know, the one AFTER I told him NOT to contact me… he gets so indignant he can’t type then takes it totally over the top and actually tells me to go to a place I don’t believe in. All I can assume is that Steve doesn’t really know how to read and he apparently likes pictures. But hey ladies! He’s single! I really can’t imagine why, he’s such a catch! He must be his mother’s pride and joy!

I love sharing these emails with folks because they’re quite hilarious and almost too outrageous for one to believe. But believe it! I keep every one of these whackadoodle emails on file.

One response

  1. Lynn Roby Avatar

    not all canadians are wacko, if this guy is canadian that is..i get messages like that very often. These creeps can’t get into their heads that we want nothing to do with them. a real jerk this guy who needs his mouth washed with soap and vinegar lol


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