June Full Moon

The full moon in Capricorn holds a unique blend of energies that combines the emotional and intuitive power of the full moon with the practical, disciplined, and ambitious nature of Capricorn. This astrological event offers a potent time for harnessing these combined influences for various magical and spiritual purposes. By harnessing this energy, you can create lasting change and build a solid foundation for your future endeavors.

Spellwork for the Full Moon in Capricorn: Manifesting Stability and Enhancing Personal Growth

This spell harnesses the grounding, ambitious, and disciplined energy of the Full Moon in Capricorn for manifesting goals, achieving stability, and enhancing personal growth.

Materials Needed:

  • A silver candle (representing the moon)
  • A dark green candle (representing Capricorn’s earth energy)
  • A piece of hematite or black tourmaline (for grounding)
  • A piece of clear quartz (for amplification)
  • A small cauldron or fire-safe bowl
  • A piece of parchment paper and a pen
  • Myrrh incense
  • Fresh rosemary sprigs or dried rosemary
  • A bowl of water with sea salt (for cleansing)
  • An altar cloth (optional, but in earth tones if possible)
  • Incense charcoal
  • Matches or a lighter


Set Up Your Sacred Space: You can choose space under the open sky or in a quiet room where you can connect with the energy of the Full Moon. Lay down your altar cloth and arrange your materials in a balanced and harmonious manner on a stable surface. Light the charcoal in the cauldron or fire-safe bowl.

Cleansing: Cleanse your space using myrrh incense. As the smoke wafts through the air, visualize it purifying the area and preparing it for your ritual. Then, take your bowl of water and sea salt, dip your finger tips into the water and sprinkle it around your circle as you walk clockwise around your ritual space. Visualize this washing and also purifying the area.

Invoke the Elements:

Face each direction and call upon the elements. Visualize the element associated to each direction as listed. Start in the East and work your way clockwise around the circle.

  • East (Air): “Spirits of the East, powers of Air, I call upon your presence and help to grant me clarity and inspiration.”
  • South (Fire): “Spirits of the South, powers of Fire, I call upon your presence and help to ignite my passion and determination.”
  • West (Water): “Spirits of the West, powers of Water, I call upon your presence and help to bring me intuition and emotional balance.”
  • North (Earth): “Spirits of the North, powers of Earth, I call upon your presence and help to ground and stabilize my intentions.”

Cast Your Circle:

Stand in the center of your space and visualize a circle of white light forming around you.

Say: “I cast this circle in light and love, creating a sacred space to harness the power of the Full Moon in Capricorn. So mote it be.”

Setting Intentions: On the piece of paper, write down your intentions for this work. Be specific and clear about a focus on goals related to stability, personal growth, and long-term achievements. As you write, visualize each intention taking root and growing, supported by the disciplined energy of Capricorn.

Focus on the Full Moon’s Energy:

Hold the clear quartz in your left hand and the hematite or black tourmaline in your right hand. Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths, attuning yourself to the energy of the full moon. Visualize the moon’s light filling you with its grounding and ambitious energy.

Activate the Spell:

Place the rosemary in the cauldron or fire-safe bowl on the charcoal allowing it to smolder and release its fragrant smoke.

Hold the parchment paper over the smoke, saying:

“By the power of the Full Moon in Capricorn, I charge these intentions. May they manifest with stability, discipline, and success.”

Thank the Elements and Close the Circle:

Thank each element for their presence and support, releasing them in reverse order (North, West, South, East).

Face each direction and call upon the elements:

  • North (Earth): “Spirits of the North, powers of Earth, I bid you farewell and thank you for your presence and help in grounding and stabilizing my intentions. May there always be peace between us.”
  • West (Water): “Spirits of the West, powers of Water, I bid you farewell and thank you for your presence and help bringing me intuition and emotional balance. May there always be peace between us.”
  • South (Fire): “Spirits of the South, powers of Fire, I bid you farewell and thank you for your presence and help igniting my passion and determination. May there always be peace between us.”
  • East (Air): “Spirits of the East, powers of Air, I bid you farewell and thank you for your presence and help in granting me clarity and inspiration. May there always be peace between us.”

Visualize the circle of light dissolving and merging back into the universe.

Say: “By my will I erase this circle of light and return back to the mundane world. Blessed be.”

Reflect and Ground:

Spend a few moments in quiet reflection, grounding yourself by holding the hematite or black tourmaline. Visualize your intentions growing and flourishing, supported by the energies of the moon and Capricorn.


Fold the parchment paper and place it under the clear quartz on your altar. Leave it there until the next full moon to continue charging.

Keep the candles burning until they naturally go out (or for at least an hour). You can relight them over the next few nights to continue empowering your intentions.

Take practical steps towards your goals, embodying the disciplined and grounded energy of Capricorn.

Be Aware

Remember to always practice fire safety and to dispose of ashes safely after performing any fire-related spells.

Did You Know?

The June full moon is commonly referred to as the “Strawberry Moon.” This name originates from Native American traditions, specifically from the Algonquin, Ojibwe, Dakota, and Lakota peoples.

The name “Strawberry Moon” is linked to the ripening of strawberries, which typically occurs in June. For the Algonquin and other tribes, this full moon signaled the time to gather ripe strawberries. It marked the beginning of the strawberry-picking season, a significant event as strawberries were an important food source.

Other Names for the June Full Moon

Different cultures and regions have their own names for the June full moon, reflecting local flora, fauna, and agricultural activities:

In Europe, the June full moon is sometimes called the “Rose Moon,” coinciding with the blooming of roses.

Another name is the “Honey Moon,” a reference to the traditional time for harvesting honey and the abundance of nectar and pollination activity.

In some cultures, it is called the “Hot Moon” due to the increasing heat and approach of summer.

These names were practical, serving as a natural calendar for indigenous peoples and early agrarian societies. They provided a way to mark the seasons and plan for activities like planting, harvesting, and hunting. The names also carry cultural significance, preserving traditions and knowledge passed down through generations. They reflect the intimate relationship between human communities and the natural world.

Today, the name “Strawberry Moon” is widely recognized and used by astronomers and the general public. It has become part of the modern cultural lexicon, often featured in lunar calendars and popular media. The Strawberry Moon also carries symbolic meaning in contemporary culture, often associated with themes of abundance, fruition, and the start of summer.

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