The Full Moon in Scorpio brings with it a potent mix of intensity, depth, and transformation. Scorpio is a water sign ruled by Pluto, the planet of power, regeneration, and the subconscious. When the Moon reaches its fullest phase in Scorpio, it amplifies the qualities of this sign, leading to a profound and emotionally charged experience. Here are some qualities associated with the Full Moon in Scorpio:

1. Intense Emotions: During the Full Moon in Scorpio, emotions tend to surface with great intensity. People may find themselves experiencing deep feelings and desires that have been hidden or suppressed.

2. Powerful Transformations: Scorpio is associated with transformation and rebirth. This phase presents opportunities for personal growth and profound shifts in consciousness, urging individuals to shed old patterns and embrace change.

3. Psychological Insight: Scorpio delves into the depths of the psyche. This Full Moon fosters heightened psychological awareness and insight into one’s motivations and desires, fostering introspection and self-discovery.

4. Passionate Energy: Scorpio’s passionate nature is amplified during this phase. Individuals may feel a strong sense of desire and intensity in their relationships and creative pursuits.

5. Spiritual Depth: Scorpio seeks to uncover hidden truths on a deeply spiritual level. During this Full Moon, exploration of the mysteries of the universe and deeper meaning of life is encouraged.

6. Emotional Healing: Scorpio is linked to healing and regeneration. This Full Moon offers opportunities for emotional healing and catharsis, facilitating the release of pent-up emotions and letting go of emotional baggage.

7. Empowerment: Scorpio is associated with personal power and empowerment. During this phase, individuals can reclaim their power and stand in their truth, embracing inner strength and resilience.

Overall, the Full Moon in Scorpio is a potent and transformative period, inviting individuals to delve into their souls and emerge renewed and empowered. It encourages embracing change, confronting fears, and embracing the full spectrum of human experience.

Full Moon Spellwork – Scorpio’s Embrace: Deepening the Waters of Transformation

For this work you will need a few things:

– A black candle (representing Scorpio’s depth and intensity)

– A small bowl of water (symbolizing the emotional realm)

– A piece of obsidian or black tourmaline (for grounding and protection)

– A journal or piece of paper

– A pen or pencil

– Optional: any additional items that resonate with Scorpio energy, such as herbs like patchouli or mugwort, or crystals like garnet or labradorite.


1. Begin by setting up your sacred space. Light some incense and/or use salt water to cleanse the area and create a peaceful atmosphere. You may also want to play soft music or meditative sounds to enhance the ambiance.

2. Sit comfortably in front of your altar or sacred space. Take a few deep breaths to center yourself and connect with the energy of the full moon.

3. Take the piece of obsidian or black tourmaline in your hand and visualize energy roots extending from it through you, grounding you deeply into the earth. Feel its protective energy surrounding you like a shield.

4. Light the black candle, focusing on its flame as you invoke the energy of Scorpio. You may say something like:

“Under the light of the full moon in Scorpio,
I call upon the depths of transformation.
May this ritual be guided by the intense energy of this sign,
And may it bring forth profound healing and growth.”

5. Dip your fingers into the bowl of water and sprinkle a few drops onto the flame of the candle. As you do so, visualize any emotional blocks or barriers melting away, allowing your emotions to flow freely.

6. Take the journal or piece of paper and begin to write down any emotions, fears, or desires that have been weighing on your heart. Be honest and vulnerable with yourself, knowing that this is a safe space for self-expression.

7. Once you’ve written everything down, hold the paper close to your heart and visualize the full moon’s light infusing it with healing energy. Imagine any negative emotions or limitations being transmuted into empowerment and growth.

8. When you feel ready, fold the paper and place it in the flame of the black candle, allowing it to burn safely in a fireproof dish. As it burns, visualize your intentions being released into the universe, knowing that they will manifest in divine timing.

9. Spend some time in quiet reflection or meditation, allowing any insights or messages to come through. Then bask in the energy of the your work and feel the transformative power of Scorpio’s embrace. When you’re ready, extinguish the candle and thank the universe, the elements, and any deities or spirits you invoked for their guidance and support.

10. Close by grounding yourself once again, feeling the steady presence of the earth beneath you.

Remember to trust in the process and be open to whatever experiences or revelations may arise in the days and weeks following this work. Embrace the intensity of Scorpio’s energy as a catalyst for deep healing and transformation in your life.

Blessed be.

Did you know?

April is the Pink Moon

The April full moon is called the Pink Moon not because it appears pink in color, but rather because it corresponds with the blooming of pink flowers, particularly a wildflower called phlox, in North America. This name originated from Native American tribes who named each full moon according to the changes in the natural world around them throughout the year.

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