May Full Moon

The full moon in May is in Sagittarius. Sagittarius is symbolized by the Archer, a centaur aiming its arrow towards the heavens. It is ruled by the planet Jupiter, representing expansion, abundance, and higher wisdom. As the ninth sign of the zodiac, Sagittarius is associated with themes of exploration, adventure, truth-seeking, and spiritual growth.

The energy of the Sagittarius full moon is expansive, optimistic, and adventurous. It encourages us to broaden our horizons, explore new territories, and seek out higher knowledge and understanding. Under this influence, we may feel a strong urge to break free from limitations, embrace our independence, and embark on exciting journeys—both physical and spiritual.

It is a potent time for spiritual exploration and growth, inviting us to delve into philosophical and metaphysical inquiries, expand our consciousness, and connect with our inner wisdom. This lunar phase encourages us to question our beliefs, seek out new perspectives, and align with our higher purpose.

Sagittarius is also known for its boundless optimism, enthusiasm, and zest for life. The Sagittarius Full Moon infuses us with a sense of joy, optimism, and adventure, inspiring us to approach life with a spirit of positivity and enthusiasm. It reminds us to embrace the present moment, celebrate our blessings, and cultivate a sense of gratitude for the abundance that surrounds us.

Sagittarius values freedom, independence, and autonomy. During the Full Moon in Sagittarius, we may feel a strong desire to break free from constraints, whether they are physical, emotional, or spiritual. This lunar phase encourages us to embrace our individuality, follow our own path, and trust in our ability to navigate life’s adventures with courage and resilience.

Spellwork for the Full Moon in Sagittarius: Manifesting Adventure and Wisdom

This spell harnesses the adventurous and expansive energy of the Full Moon in Sagittarius to manifest opportunities for growth, wisdom, and new experiences.

Materials Needed:

– A candle preferably purple or indigo (representing Sagittarius’s connection to higher knowledge and spirituality). Otherwise white is an option.

– Anointing oil (such as frankincense or sandalwood, to enhance spiritual connection. Some occult supply shops do sell Sagittarius oil.)

– A small piece of paper and pen

– Crystals associated with Sagittarius such as amethyst, turquoise, or lapis lazuli.

– Optional: A map or image of a distant place, representing the spirit of adventure


Preparation: Set up your sacred space under the open sky or in a quiet room where you can connect with the energy of the Full Moon. Place your candle, anointing oil, paper, pen, and crystals on your altar or a stable surface.

Setting Intentions: On the piece of paper, write down your intentions for the full moon in Sagittarius. Be specific and clear about what adventures you wish to manifest, whether it’s travel, learning, personal growth, or spiritual expansion.

Anointing the Candle: Hold the candle in your hands and infuse it with your intentions. Take a small amount of anointing oil onto your fingertips and rub it onto the candle, focusing on charging it with the energy of adventure, wisdom, and spiritual connection.

Charging Crystals: Place the crystals around the candle, allowing them to absorb the energy of the Full Moon and amplify your intentions. Visualize them radiating with light and activating your desires for adventure and growth.

Invocation: Speak aloud or silently invoke the energy of the full moon in Sagittarius, calling upon the spirit of adventure and wisdom to guide your path. Offer gratitude for the opportunities that lie ahead and the lessons you are about to learn.

Beneath the Full Moon’s radiant gleam,
In Sagittarius’ realm, we convene.
Spirit of Adventure, hear our plea,
Guide our path, wild and free.

Grant us wisdom’s steady glow,
As like Sagittarius, we bravely go.
With courage as our compass, truth our light,
In the Moon’s glow, our journey takes flight.

In this cosmic dance, our spirits align,
Blessings of the Moon, forever shine.

Burning the Paper: Hold the paper over the flame of the candle, visualizing your intentions being released into the universe. As the paper burns, feel a sense of liberation and empowerment, knowing that you are aligning with the energy of the Full Moon to manifest your desires.

Visualization: Close your eyes and visualize yourself embarking on new adventures, exploring unknown territories, and expanding your horizons. Feel the excitement and anticipation coursing through your veins as you embrace the spirit of Sagittarius.

Action: In the days and weeks following the ritual, take practical steps towards your goals and intentions. Whether it’s planning a trip, enrolling in a course, or seeking out new experiences, trust in the magic of the full moon to support you on your journey.

Gratitude: Before concluding the ritual, take a moment to express gratitude for the blessings of the Full Moon and the adventures that await you. Trust that the universe is conspiring in your favor and that everything is unfolding as it should.

Closing: End the ritual with words of gratitude and a final declaration:

As the Full Moon in Sagittarius shines bright above, may its blessings of adventure and wisdom be upon me always. Blessed be!

Allow the candle to burn down completely if possible, or extinguish it safely if needed. Trust in the power of the Full Moon in Sagittarius to guide you on your journey of growth, expansion, and discovery.

Be Aware

Remember to always practice fire safety and to dispose of ashes safely after performing any fire-related spells.

Did you know?

The full moon in May is called the Flower Moon because it coincides with the blooming of many flowers in the Northern Hemisphere. As spring transitions into summer, the landscape bursts into vibrant colors as flowers of all kinds begin to blossom and flourish.

The name “Flower Moon” is derived from various indigenous cultures in North America, where different tribes assigned names to each full moon to mark the changing seasons and natural cycles. In these traditions, the names of the full moons were often linked to the activities or events occurring in nature during that particular time of year.

The Flower Moon signifies the abundance and beauty of the natural world during the spring season. It serves as a reminder of the fertility of the earth, the cycle of growth and renewal, and the interconnectedness of all living beings. As the flowers bloom and the earth awakens from its winter slumber, the Flower Moon heralds a time of joy, vitality, and celebration of life’s abundant blessings.

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